Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Photo Eval...

Regarding last night's "comparison" post:

I don't notice a whole lot of difference in size. Well, at least POST Isagenix. But I DO notice something: I looked so old! I look at least 10 years younger now than I did 7 years ago. That is so amazing to me, but I guess that is what good nutrition does for you!

Sidebar: I am really excited to see what happens in the aging department now that Isagenix has introduced their useful aging phenomenon, "Product B." You can learn about this incredible scientific breakthrough at or find it on

My moral to this story is, focus on the fact that I FEEL better. Take baby steps in adapting my diet while learning yummy ways to eat more veggies. Remember that focusing just on balancing my body is taking the whole me way out of balance...

Whew! Feels better already! :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Yeah, good thought. Focus on how you FEEL. Really, that's the most important anyway. I'm trying the same thing--trying to find yummy ways to eat more veggies. I got out of the habit over the summer because it was so busy, but for awhile there, I was serving 3 different vegetables dishes at dinner plus one "other" dish. I told my kids they had to just eat ONE of the veggie dishes, and they could choose. Then I consciously tried to load my plate up with the veggie dishes. I also started trying a lot of soups to get veggies, too. I need to get back into that habit now that we've settled back down into a routine.