Thursday, September 8, 2011

How Much "Me Time" Am I Allowed to Have?

Or what is "me time," really?

Today I need to look at balance from a different angle. I had someone ask me a question today that really got me thinking. To paraphrase, she was wondering when the last time I did anything for me...

So here go my thoughts; they may make no sense. In fact, I know they won't because I am all confused right now, which is why I am taking "me time" to blog instead of clean my house or do homework or make HM phone calls or flyers or....and which of those are really "want to's" and which are "have to's"? See what I mean? I WANT to go to school, but do I really want to neglect my house--because I WANT a clean house--to do homework? Do I really WANT a clean house? or is that a family need that turns my "want to" into a "have to"? And I really want to get A's in school, but would I rather stay home all weekend and finish CIS modules so I can have more time to focus on the more important classes, like Math and English, or go to Ephraim to hear Due West and The Nashville Tribute Band perform their new album "The Work"? Or neglect both of those and just hang out with my husband who has been gone all week (and pretty much every week)? or play Cruella-Mom so that my kids will learn discipline and how to work hard and my house will be clean...

I could keep going...I want to look and feel good, so I guess that means I want to workout and eat healthy food, but what if what I really want is to go order a large concrete at Nielson's Frozen Custard and eat it slowly as I start off into oblivion? Or better yet, eat coconut gelato as I walk the Champs-Elysses (please mentally insert the accents where they go because I'm not sure how to do it, and I don't really want to look it up right now, but I really do want to be fluent in French and come across as someone who is fluent, but do I really want to sit at my computer with my Rosetta Stone and study it until I have it perfectly mastered?) Do I want to work HM? or Isagenix? or both? and the questions go on and on in my head.

The answer to all of these is YES!!!! For most things I do in life, I WANT to but I also HAVE to do them. But who in the world has all the time in the world to do it all? And is there ever a time that it is OK to actually separate the two and just do something for the WANT of it? And is that even possible? Cuz really, right now I am not even sure what those kinds of wants would be...

Whew...glad I got that off my chest! Now I can go and ... um ... who even knows?


Jennifer said...

Great post. I heard a quote once (forgive me for not going to look up the source and get the quote exactly right, either) which was "We have too much to do so we will be able to tell what's important." I think ALL the things you listed off are important--every one. Even the conflicting ones like "eating healthy" and "getting a concrete and staring off into oblivion." Both of those are important. One might be more important one day than another. Know what I mean?

The question of "when do you find time for yourself?" is an interesting one, because you're right--a lot of what you do IS for yourself. You want a clean house, so you clean it. You want a degree, so you're going to school. Yeah, those benefit others, but you are doing them "for yourself," too. I think what that question usually means is "down time" or time to relax, so it's kind of a complicated question. Because "down time" can be something different depending on the day and the person. And blogging is definitely "down time" for me.

Not that you need/want my opinion on HM vs. Isagenix... But you are an awesome leader. I, too, have thought about my potential as a leader in HM, and while I would probably enjoy having a consultant or two under me, and while I do feel like I have some skills that could make me wildly successful, I also look at certain people who seem to be doing calls and workshops and trainings and stuff like that CONSTANTLY, and I just know that is NOT for me. It's too much time--I personally could not balance things if I did that. So I've decided to be successful in my own little sphere and at my own little speed, and I've come to the conclusion that you CAN be successful at HM without being the monster leader who does EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME. Know what I mean?

Anyway, there are my random thoughts. And I *love* having you as my HM leader!! You're really good at it.

CaryMac said...

Jen, you are awesome and I love your comments! Thanks for all of them, and especially the HM ones. That is the one message that I took away from reunion this year. "I'm OK! You're OK!" so it helps a lot and makes it all fun and amazing again. I love that you get to be on my team!!! Blessing for sure!