Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mekenze's New Place!

Isn't there something liberating about your first apartment? Add that to first real job, first car payment, first time really being responsible for every aspect of your I bringing feelings of nostalgia to anyone? Yes, I know it is stressful and scary, but in hindsight, it was a wonderful time in my life!

Mekenze recently moved to Anaheim, California, to follow her dreams. She is finding that those dreams may actually be changing as she discovers that the world is a really big place. She quickly found a job at Knott's Berry Farm: Camp Snoopy. She has made great friends, gotten to know and love her paternal grandparents better than she ever has. She has also decided that she really loves Isagenix and the freedom power of network marketing, so she is joining her dad and starting her own Isa-business. She is very excited and says that she is feeling alive and passionate about life again. I'm so happy for her!

As much as she loved the hospitality of cute Grandma and Grandpa Mac Arthur, she really felt a pull to find a place of her own. She found a group of girls in her singles' ward who were looking for a roommate, and she moved in yesterday. She sent a few photos:

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh, I'm excited for her!! (And much warmer than PA, too!) :) I'm glad she is having a good time and that she found a new place and good roommates. Good for her. She's way braver than I was at that age.