Saturday, September 24, 2011

All Things Happen for a Reason...

A few months ago I made a commitment to teach a storybooking class at a Family Education Fair for the community ed department at Dixie State College. I enjoy teaching people how to preserve their life stories, so I was actually kind of excited. After having committed, of course, I was forced to turn down some other really great opportunities that just happened to be the same date and time. Among those was a hands-on cooking class taught by my talented friend, Christie Thomas; a first-time-ever weekend storybooking retreat in Provo, sponsored by my Heritage Makers leadership friends; a chance to work a booth at Swiss Days with my team member consultant friend, Jan McConkie; and a chance to go with Dave to hear him speak in Las Vegas...but I stayed true to my commitment and turned all of these down.

This whole week was nutso, so I put off the "getting ready" until the 11th hour (I have the verbage ingrained on my brain, so I wasn't worried) and went to bed late last night. Then, because Arielle and I are still in the car-sharing mode, I had to wake up at 6 am to take her to work so I could have the car. (I cherish Saturday morning sleep in time...just so you know.) So I come home, do a couple of quick morning chores, hop in the shower and get all dressed up (I also cherish Saturday slob moments...,) put on make-up, neglect making breakfast for my boys and their friend who slept over (Saturday is the only day I make breakfast,) and head out the door in time to set up early and breathe...

I hope your feeling the moment as I have set the scene for you...

I arrived at the North Instruction Building, where I was told my class would be held: room 107. Alas, the door is locked. Room 106 has a class in progress, so I figure they must have told me wrong (it has been known to happen,) and I am to use the same room when this class is over. I had a quick thought to run across the street to the registration office to make sure I was correct in my assumption, but I didn't want to leave my computer unattended, nor did I want to haul it across the street, so I sat on the floor in the hallway to wait. But 11:00am grew nearer and I could tell the other class was nowhere near wrapping it I found a group of girls, asked them to guard my stuff, and headed across the street...

My class had been canceled...due to lack of interest...

Well, maybe if they had advertised it as I told them it should be instead of as "scrapbooking," which I was NOT teaching, there would have been interest! OR maybe they could have let me know BEFORE I showed up that I didn't need to go through all the trouble to come and spend a half hour in their hall!

(deep breath...)

All things happen for a reason...

SO! I am going to spend my day at my computer, completing my entire online CIS course. Maybe it was all in the plan...


Jennifer said...

Ug. Stuff like that makes me SO MAD. (I cherish sleeping in and lounging on Saturdays, too!) NOthing irritates me more than completely wasting my time. So sorry. Well, I hope you did your whole CIS class!! That would make up for it. :)

CaryMac said...

i didn't even get it finished! One section...maybe two...grrrrrrr! (I think I have ADD..ha ha)