Sunday, October 30, 2011

Never A Greater Feeling!

I am feeling so blessed right now! I wish I could go into details about why, but maybe if I talk around it enough...

It all starts with having kids. When they are small you think they are the world...well because they basically ARE to you..and you think they think YOU are the world...and maybe they do, for a little while. But then they grow up, and things change somehow. The kids' world starts to grow, and you become not much more than a small speck on that world, while at the same time, your world grows so much smaller until soon the kids are able to just step on it and crush it. The saddest part is that they often DO!

But you know, it's all good because at least you taught them correctly and they will always remain true to the truth...go forth with faith and never make a wrong choice...except for the times that they DO, because (Dang It!) they WILL!

The realization that your kids are people too is a wicked awesome realization, and I mean that VERY literally! Let's take all of the emotion of "awesome"--your kids are beautiful, talented, strong adventurous people who have every capability of taking the world by storm--and stir in a cup or two full of all the emotions that "wicked" can conjure--these people you call your kids have their agency and it is time for them to wean themselves off of your testimony and find their own in a world that shouts every exciting and glamorous untruth imaginable (cue the "great and spacious building.") It is an emotional rollercoaster, at one moment a heart-wrenching concoction that resembles the bitter cup and the next a glorious magical trip to Willie Wonka's Chocolate Factory. (Are you getting the imagery?)

There once was a time when you could affix curfews and create incentive charts that rewarded them when they were good and punished them with they made unwise choices. But now, suddenly, you are left to stand by and watch as the world attaches these consequences, both wonderful and not so much...instead of to parenting books, you now turn to your Heavenly Father. PLEASE help them remember! Please touch their hearts and help them make all the right choices! P.L.E.A.S.E...?!!?

Now that you are (hopefully) getting the picture...I just need to say that right now I see my kids-turned-adults DOING IT! They are finding their testimonies and aligning their lives to what they know to be true. It is glorious and beautiful!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Beautiful descriptions! Yes, I imagine (as one who doesn't have the "turned-adult" part yet) that this kind of feeling absolutely cannot be described or replaced! So happy for you. What a great thing.