Sunday, November 6, 2011

If Only...

If only there was a button that only Moms could push that would call in the reinforcement staff. One push in times of sheer exhaustion, desperation, confusion, or overwhelment would call a maid, a cook, a chauffeur, a counselor, a seamstress, a disciplinarian, a tutor, a shooter-from-the-hip...and simultaneously send the Mom into thin air, a place where she can sleep or read or run or do absolutley nothing OR EVERYTHING until her strength and desire to be Mom returns.

Of course the Mom wouldn't abuse the button, because no Mom in her right mind would allow another to take over her rein for too long. That is why she took the one way passage into motherhood in the first place. One can never return...and really, who would want to? But just for a day...can I please have that button?

My world will have one...


Jennifer said...

Oh, I know what you mean!! My button would have someone come in to clean the kitchen so that I can cook in peace! :)

Cary's Story said...

I want that button too! And one that shuts off all of the "plumbing" when the baby factory has finished it's duties...