Sunday, October 16, 2011

The World Is Too Much With Us...

I have so many things on my mind ALL THE TIME and when I sit down to blog about them, they disappear. I'm going to sit here and just type until I access that black hole of my mind.

I have two videos that I want to post, because I know many of my thoughts this week have been centered on those:

"Miss Representation"

This video shouldn't be shocking, but the way it is put together really got me thinking.

The second one is so cute, equally as powerful, and could possibly be an answer to prayers.

"Worth Waiting For"

There was a time that my kids never wanted to bring their friends to our house to "hang out." I understood--I was the oldest child and I know how "annoying" little brothers and sisters can be--but I really wished they would bring their friends home so I could meet them. Now that my kids are older, this has changed dramatically. We have done a lot to our house to make it more appealing to the kids, and I really believe it has helped them want to be here. I have a houseful of teenagers at my house almost all of the time. Some of them call me (different versions of) mom, and I love it! Having them here has also tuned me more into the world that these kids live in. All of the messages that are constantly surrounding them: the movies, the music, the fashions... I can understand why living a virtuous life can seem "lame;" girls who dress modest are not necessarily seen as "hottest;" drugs and vulgar language are everywhere and it's "no big deal;" music is more fun when the beat is loud and fast and the lyrics don't matter...

I'm not saying that my kids (or my newly adopted kids) are bad kids. On the contrary, they are AMAZING and valiant and vulnerable and impressionable and ... sigh ...

I am not a worryer. It is not in my nature to be paranoid, but I feel the weight of the world on their shoulders. How do I help them to seek after things that are "virtuous, lovely, of good report, or praiseworthy?" (besides moving to the hills and living in seclusion, that is...)

Needless to say, my prayers are becoming way more specific and fervent.


Jennifer said...

Wow. The first video was shocking and not surprising at the same time. No wonder so many girls and women have no self-esteem at all. What a disgrace. The second video was very sweet!!! I loved the looks on the kids' faces when they opened the boxes. SO cute!! :) Yeah, I know what you mean--the world is just a scary place, but you try to be a beacon and pray like mad. :)

Jennifer said...

P.S. I TOTALLY recognized the Wordsworth reference in your title! mwah to A.P. English!

CaryMac said...

Those were the DAYS! I loved that class and all that I learned from Ms. Potter...