Monday, October 17, 2011

A Little Good News...

I realize that the freeze frame of the video I posted in my last blog was a little...umm...questionable, so today I am posting something happy to move it from my opening page. :)

One of my all-time favorite songs, sung by one of my all-time favorite singers, is "A Little Good News" by Anne Murray. In 2009, she did a remake with the Indigo Girls:


Whenever I start to feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, I sing this song and I try to list all of the "good news" I can think of. Here goes!

1. I took my algebra test and I think I did well!
2. I remembered to pick Karter up for MMA and to take Mady to dance all in the same run...
3. Karter went to MMA and had a really great workout!
4. Arielle felt good (for the most part...after this morning) today!
5. I am actually making dinner. :)
6. Mekenze is making some good life decisions and is feeling excited about life.
7. I talked to my sister, Dani, on the phone.
8. I got to visit with a friend I haven't seen in awhile.
9. The weather today was FANTABULOUS!
10. Tonight Curtis and I will watch House, MD. :)

Do you have any good news? I would love to hear it!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I LOVE Indigo Girls!! Team them up with your favorite, Anne Murray, and what a song!! I'm glad that you have such a lovely list of great things going on!! :) xoxo

Also, I forgot to write last time-- I love the new look of your blog. Gorgeous. And I copied you on your HM link--mine has always been on my blog, but not as prominent as yours, so I changed that! :) Good idea.