Sunday, September 27, 2009

Day #3--30 Day Challenge

I love Sunday! I love to get a chance to sleep in until 8 or 8:30, follow it up with a bath and then church. At least for this 11:00 church time!

Today is the 3rd day of my 30 day challenge. I even included it in my fast! (We had Fast Sunday today because of General Conference next week.) I was reading in the tub a book called "If Life Were Easy It Wouldn't Be Hard" written by Sheri Dew. She mentioned that we make life harder when we don't pray for help in all of our life endeavors. I think I have felt "guilty" before for praying for "temporal desires" but really all things to God are spiritual. He wants us to ask Him--include Him in all things. So I did. And I will continue to do so.

It's been amazing how in just these 3 days different ideas are coming to my mind. Not necessarily ideas about how to make my business better, but ideas on how to make my life better! It feels like my mind has been in hibernation but it has turned back on and is starting to work again!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow, good for you. It sounds like you are on quite a journey. That is fantastic! :)