Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Rediscovering my Domestic Self

... Well, kinda. ;) 

**I'll start with a statement in my defense: I have not stopped performing my domestic roles entirely. I just do them at a way lesser frequency than I once did. 😊**

There was a time that I was domestic in almost every way (leaving out sewing and crafting and ironing and...) I would clean my house like a fiend pretty much ALL the time (we'll discuss my acquired wisdom on this at another time,) and every day I made all 3 meals from scratch. If someone would tell me there was an easy, yummy, packaged meal that I needed to try, I would figure out how to make it with real food. I was sure it was better for my family, and I knew it was way less expensive! I still know these two facts to be true...and yet...

I have a lot of excuses for why I "gave up" my cooking job after 13 years of marriage, and in my mind, all of my excuses are valid! Whether it was because my husband "quit eating" or because I had teenagers who could fend for themselves in the kitchen (and often do, leaving huge messes in my kitchen that I refuse to cook in) or because I had baby number 5 and was overwhelmed and tired or... I mean I could go on and on...BUT

The important thing here is that it has become a thing of habit that needs to change.  I have made a promise to myself--and to my younger kids who don't really remember that I used to cook-- that I will make dinner more often than not! (I'd like to say every day, but let's be realistic.) And I'm blogging about it because I need to be accountable to someone. 😉

Today is enchiladas. Of the crockpot nature. My plan is to prepare the meal in the morning so it's out of the way before the whirlwind hits...

                   Wish me luck! 


Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness, I am doing the same thing!! I didn't ever iron, and I didn't make all 3 meals from scratch, but I ALWAYS made a good dinner. And like the last 6-8 months I just don't feel like it. And I actually love to cook! I need to get back INTO the groove. ...Those enchiladas look so good!! :)

CaryMac said...

I wish I could say "6-8 months." Goodness! It's been years since I have really been consistent!! My poor family... ha ha

They have survived... :)