Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What About My Commitment to Cook?

I promise I haven't been slacking on meals. I just having been blogging about them. I promise I won't post every meal for the rest of my life (insert sigh of relief here)  but just to show myself and ya'all that I can be consistent when I put my mind to it, Here are the meals I made for the rest of the week (well, the ones I remembered to take pictures of, anyway).


I made this meal with Mady in mind because she loves pasta. I find it is more fun to cook when someone gets excited about it. I also was especially excited about this meal because I was finally going to be able to use the dried tortellini that I bought awhile back but nobody liked it because it didn't rehydrate enough with the recommended directions. I thought this would be great because it was a crockpot recipe so it would have HOURS to get all moist and yummy.

But Mady recognized it right away and wouldn't even taste it! FAIL!  (Dave liked it, so it wasn't complete failure. Thanks, Dave!)

She even made a VINE about it:


This was my favorite! I wanted soup, but I didn't want calories or creamy stuffs, so I took a huge bag of frozen mixed veggies and steamed them til soft, then I puréed most of them in my Blendtech until they were--well, puréed--and added chicken bouillon and a little bit of dehydrated cheese powder. No one knew it was the healthy version of "broccoli cheese soup." MMMM!!!!

(Not pictured were chicken salad sandwiches (on croissants, because that is a very important detail) and pork chops with fried "rice" made with the left over quinoa (Dave's creation.) 

OK. OK. I'll admit...this week has been a little less successful with meal prep. I've decided that Tuesdays will often be a Costco ready-made-meal day because it is just way to crazy with Young Women's and school and what-have-ya. Yesterday it was fantastic Costco 5 layer dip, and tonight...I don't feel the greatest, and I refuse to get sick, so we ??ordered pizza?? That is always the healthy choice!

Tomorrow will be back on target...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I have days like that, too--it's just a frozen meal day or whatever--because there is just TOO MUCH STUFF. I use my crock pot a lot on those days, but sometimes that's too hard. :) I love these meals, though!!