Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to begin...again?

So, while I'm the same quiet, passive me, my life has almost completely changed since my last post--my finances; my body, mind, and spirit; and even my family have all changed for the better! 

I realize it will be pretty much impossible to recap all that has happened, but I will do my best to summarize, adding a little disclosure that it will probably be all over the place! 

In a broad sense:  My husband became the 69th millionaire in Isagenix in August of 2012. Needless to say, living without financial stress has been a huge blessing for my family! There is an added responsibility that comes with that--or many added responsibilities--but we are taking those as they come and are hopefully making a positive influence in the lives of other people because of it. One of the fun benefits has been paying cash for a backyard overhaul--swimming pool and the works! What a fun way to keep our family home and to become a little more social as well. :)

   In the area of mind, body, and spirit, there's a lot that goes into that. So again, as a broad overview, I am well into my double bachelor's degree at Dixie State University, studying Spanish and Psychology. I have always loved studying and learning, but doing it in such a specialized manner has been exciting in many ways. It has also been very hard at times, and I have hit walls and cried tears, but I love the challenge. Right now I am listening to the Book of Mormon in Spanish while I read it in English to try to bring my communication skills up to the level of my reading, writing, and understanding. I am taking one summer class right now, which is advanced grammar in Spanish. I have decided to focus solely on this during the summer so that I can crash through my speaking wall and reached into level of confidence.  
   On a deeper and probably more important mental level, I have been studying-- with and through my husband-- the power of thoughts. Thoughts are things! Our thoughts literally Create our reality. I feel like I am living life more on purpose than I ever have before. Of course there is still a long way to go, but I am excited about it. I am sure that many of my blog posts will be regarding this subject. 

   Physically… I have lost 22 pounds since December! I had knee surgery in March. I have started running with a group of ladies in my ward, which is something I thought I would never do. I am trying to learn to like it. Right now I still hate it, and I am pretty much resolved to the idea that I will never have the desire to run a marathon, which is what this running group is all about. But I am doing it, and I have reached a higher-level of endurance than I have ever reached. (It is important to note that my endurance is far below the rest of the group, but I am learning to be happy with where I am and to not compare myself too fiercely to the rest of these amazing women.) I also do hot yoga, which I LOVE immensely!! And I am slowly getting back to weight lifting now that I'm basically recovered from my surgery. So I am feeling great!

 And family!!! My oldest daughter got married in December 2012! She and her husband, George, are expecting our first grand baby in September, and I am DYING from excitement!!!! 


Jennifer said...

This is an amazing update. I loved reading it!! The family pool/hot tub is gorgeous. And, yes, paying cash for it doesn't hurt, either!! :) So great that Dave is doing so well with his job. I didn't realize you were doing Spanish and Psychology. I toyed with Psychology for a while, too. It's really interesting. What made you decide on Spanish over French? Can't wait for your grandbaby, too! How exciting. HUGE congrats on losing 22 pounds. That is awesome. You look amazing, but you always do. xoxo

CaryMac said...

The decision for Spanish was a forced one, as they do not offer high level French at Dixie and it is not something you can do online at advanced level either because you need to converse with PEOPLE to learn it! So, Spanish was my next choice. I actually just realized that I am mourning the loss of my French education... I must find a way to complete it after Spanish is mastered. ;)

Thanks for always staying connected. It's fun to read your comments. :) Do you have a setting that alerts you when updates are made?

CaryMac said...

The decision for Spanish was a forced one, as they do not offer high level French at Dixie and it is not something you can do online at advanced level either because you need to converse with PEOPLE to learn it! So, Spanish was my next choice. I actually just realized that I am mourning the loss of my French education... I must find a way to complete it after Spanish is mastered. ;)

Thanks for always staying connected. It's fun to read your comments. :) Do you have a setting that alerts you when updates are made?

Jennifer said...

I just have your blog on my blogroll (on MY blog), and I have it on the setting where it lists the blogs in the order they're updated. So I know what's been updated the second I check my blog. It's really nice that way!

I totally get the forced Spanish thing. Spanish is so easy (particularly after you've mastered French) that it would definitely be the logical option. For my humanities degree, I had to take a literature class in a language (ug!) and while I was taking every single ASL class they offered, it didn't "count" for my language credit because of the lit class. So I had to take 2 years of Spanish on top of it, plus the Spanish lit class. Sigh. It was fine, but not my love. So I know how you feel. When you come visit me, we can go to the Thousand Islands, and then pop over to Quebec just so you can speak French. :)