Friday, July 12, 2013

4th of July

A fun little interim of present festivities... We LOVE the 4th of July Chez Mac!! 

We always start the day off with breakfast at Denny's. you'd think we never ate out with how excited we all get! But we really never do go out for breakfast and we seldom go out all together, so it is worth getting giddy about! 

We had originally talked about inviting extended family for a swim/BBQ later that day, but they ended up elsewhere, so we had a really chill but very fun time just as the MAC FAM. Mekenze and George came (along with their puppy, Roxie) and it was probably the funnest 4th yet!! 

We went bowling: 

Played Yahtzee: 

(While George and Roxie did promo work for Lim's Records)

We enjoyed St George City festivities:

And made fun, festive food!! 

The fireworks weren't that great... We sent Curtis to buy them and he came home with oodles of firecrackers and other loud explosives. But the neighbors came to light some with us. 

It was a really great day to enjoy the blessings and freedoms of living in the United States of America. We might have our struggles, but this land is a choice land and will stand strong because of righteous men and women who never forget that we are One Nation under God!! 

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow, that all looks fun!! I LOVE going out to breakfast. At our house, each person gets to choose where to go out to dinner on his/her birthday... and I always pick breakfast. :)

What a great family day!!