Sunday, January 15, 2012

What a great day!

Karter got baptized yesterday. He turned 8 on December 6, but because we wanted to wait for Curtis to turn 16 so that he could baptize him, he had to wait a whole month and a half for this special day. There for a little while I was afraid that Curtis wouldn't get to baptize him after all and I wondered if waiting had been a mistake, but it was a wonderful event! I couldnt have asked for a better day.

The first wonderful thing about it was that it was a family baptism, not a stake event. I don't mind stake baptisms. Any baptism is amazing, and it is neat to see a group of cute, innocent 8 year olds eager to enter into the Kingdom of God. But my family really needed a wonderful spiritual experience, and this was definitely it!

The program started with Mekenze, Arielle, Mady, and I singing I Know That Redeemer Lives acapella with 3 part harmony. (it was amazing, I must add :) but how could that song not be?) The Spirit entered in at that moment... Mady offered the opening prayer, then Mekenze spoke on baptism. This is when the Spirit bore His first witness that this church is true and that baptism is an essential living ordinance, not only to the congregation but I think even more importantly to Mekenze. There is a time in everyone's life when he or he needs to gain personal testimony. Mekenze's tears were a strong indication that her testimony was definitely strengthened at that moment.

Watching Curtis baptize his little brother, using his new priesthood ordination to further the Kingdom of God in his own family was an out of body experience. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. Dave told me later that when Karter was changing out of his wet clothes he said that he felt awesome! Second witness of the Spirit...

Arielle then spoke on the Gift of the Holy Ghost. More tears. Another witness... Then Dave gave Karter a beautiful confirmation and blessing which I wish I would have written word for word! Karter is a strong young man with a great work to do on this earth! And during the blessing the Spirit bore witness to me of the power of the priesthood and of the worthiness of my husband and of my gratitude for him. I am truly blessed!

The talks by the primary president, Lyla Thomas, and by Brother Platt, member of the bishopric, And the beautiful closing prayer by my brother, Zach, were just icing on the cake. The Spirit was so strong! It really could not have been more perfect!!!

The extra amazing thing about the baptism is that Arielle's boyfriend was there. He is investigating the church and is currently seeing the missionaries in earnest effort to discover for himself if the church is true...or not...and if baptism is truly essential for entering into God's Kingdom. He shed tears, many tears. He can't deny what he felt...we are praying that he will continue to have undeniable spiritual experiences that will allow him to move out of his head and let the Spirit guide him.

**My only regret...I failed to take many photos. Here are the ones I did take. My favorite is the one with Karter cuddling up with his new scriptures.

Curtis with Karter in front of the font, before and after being dressed
in white

Karter with his very own baptism book that has the testimonies of all of our family (priceless)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

What a beautiful, beautiful experience. I am such a huge fan of "family" baptisms. We had ward baptisms in WA, and I squeezed in things that I felt were important, but out here we will pretty much do whatever we want. I think it SHOULD be all about the family! That is REALLY awesome. I love the pictures. What a neat experience!! (for everyone involved!) REALLY neat that Arielle's boyfriend was able to be there and feel the Spirit, too. Very, very cool. So happy for you guys!!