Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's Christmas!

I am still struggling with the idea that it is even here, and now it's pretty much over. It has been a wonderful day-a wonderful season, in fact-but it has come and gone in such a flurry that I feel like I'm standing here all jaw dropped and wide eyed...

The thing that has stuck with me this season, above all else, is the TRUTH to he Christmas story. Mary and Joseph really did travel to Bethlehem as very young expectant parents to pay their tributes to Caesar. They really did exhaust all options for a place to stay and found themselves in the lowliest of conditions, but that humble crèche became a literal piece of Heaven as Mary gave birth to he King of Kings, the Savior of the world. I am forever grateful for the circumstances in my life that have allowed me to know this beautiful, true story. I know it more than I know myself.

Today I was blessed to hear my oldest daughter and her friend sing "I Know Tht My Redeemer Lives" in her singles' ward sacrament meeting. It was beautiful. Tears filled my eyes as the spirit bore witness to me once again ...HE LIVES!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Same here. The reality of it all strikes me more and more each year. What a beautiful blessing! So neat that you got to hear your daughter sing, too!! It would have filled my eyes, too, I'm sure of it! Merry Christmas. :)