Sunday, August 28, 2011

Operation "Life Balance"-getting started

After going through a few months of just not feeling good--mentally, physically, or emotionally--I have decided to do something about it!

The first step was to figure out what was going on with my thyroid. I have taken thyroid meds for 15 years and have been fine! But I think it was May when I started feeling depressed, having extreme fatigue, gaining weight (10 lbs in 12 DAYS. NOT okay!) The only thing I had changed was that I was taking Isagenix' new "PRODUCT B" (which I will explain later.) Long story short, I am still in experimental mode with my meds and am kind of frustrated with doctors in general. I turned to researching natural thyroid support and found a website called Women to Women ( which specializes in helping women with hormones and thyroid and similar issues.

I started a 90 day program with them, which not only includes diet and vitamins, but also life balance. SLEEP is very important, I am learning (I have heard this, but have been too stubborn to really believe it, cuz less sleep means more accomplished, right?) as well as meditation, relaxation, finding ways to enjoy life...all of these need to be a part of a balanced and healthy life. Easier said than done, but I'm going to give it a shot. I NEED TO, and my family needs me to as well.

I will keep you posted with a weekly (minimum) report. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to share. I can use all the help I can get! Maybe we can help each other...?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh, wow! I didn't realize that you had thyroid issues. So sorry. The fatigue and weight gain must be SO frustrating. But, yes, balance and sleep and relaxation must be KEY, I'd imagine. Keep it up. You're right--you NEED to do this, and your family does, too.

BTW, I know how much you love learning, so you can read my last 3 blog posts from Education Week if you want.

Definitely: take time for yourself!! :)