Sunday, July 19, 2009

California Trip June 2009

Dave's favorite vacation is California, so while I hoped to take a road trip to Nashville and then on New York City, he planned to spend a week in Southern California. We did have a great time, however. We actually got to see more than just Disneyland and Knotts! Ha! Does that sound spoiled? Disneyland is, after all, the ULTIMATE VACATION for most everyone! I just think there is more to see~ SO...we went to Sea World and Univesal Studios, and of course to the beach and to visit Dave's Dad for his 75th birthday. Great times! I have a ton of pictures (well, for me) to upload. I forgot our real not-so-wonderful digital camera, but Dave had brought the video camera, which also allows for still photos. I was very excited because I thought that the more expensive camera would take great pictures! But alas, it only takes great video shots. The photos are really only good to post on a blog. I will figure out a way to storybook them, however. You just watch me!

I keep forgetting that these photos upload kinda backward to the order I want them, so they will probably be out of order, but you should be able to follow ok.

So, here goes! First photo:

Are you scared? That shark is about to eat us!
Dave didn't feel too great so luckily we had things to keep us occupied. Mekenze had her phone. Arielle had Mekenze as a pillow.

Mady, Curtis and Karter enjoyed the playground equipment in Elmo's World (or whatever they call the Sesame Street area.) Kinda cute!

Mekenze, Arielle, and I found a really great mirror that showed us how we would look if we were really skinny!

And here is Dave. So grateful for Tylenol Sinus! Perked him up quite well.

Dolphins at Sea World. Aren't they the most amazing animals? If I were to want a pet, it would be a dolphin.

Jessica LOVED Sea World. I have never heard her be so excited as she exclaimed during the whale show "They're so beautiful!" Cuteness.

Arielle and Jess, feelin' the love. They both got really wet in the water ride.

Dave is giving into temptation. His Isa-Buddy, Jim, gave us a ton of candy to eat on our trip! Thanks Jim! You helped Dave feel better!

A cute little pose in front of the Flamingos. Did you know they are pink because they eat shrimp? Weird!

Don't we all look thrilled to be here? The fact is, the day before we left home, 1/2 of our family came down with the "Swine Flu," (Well, not really, but that is what we called it) so we had more fun than our faces show. :) (This photo should have been first, or at least before Dave's sorrowful picture. Oh well! You get the idea!)

Curtis and Karter are feeling all 'BAD.' Little did we know that Michael Jackson was going to die the next day! (Curtis bought those glasses while Dave was recooperating in Elmo's World.)

1 comment:

Cody, Tawsha, and Ashlee said...

I like how we both updated in the same day. i am not very good at my blog. Face book is so much easier. But I love your pics and it looks like you guys had fun, well minus the swine flu!!