Sunday, March 27, 2011


I heard someone say awhile back of a study that shows that LDS youth are more grounded and more apt to live their religion, and they concluded, without going into all the details, that much of this can be attributed to the habits that LDS families help their children and youth to form: going to church, saying prayers, scripture study, etc. Even if a child has not yet fully developed his or her testimony, they are more apt to live the teachings of the gospel because of the habits they have formed until they do eventually develop and strengthen a belief (testimony) that verifies that the habits and practices they were taught are indeed true principles.

Hearing of this study and its conclusion deepened my love and gratitude for the family unit and helped me feel that I have done better as a mother that I sometimes let myself believe.

Today I was given a deeper gratitude for habit and am here to testify that habits are not only good foundations for our youth but for all of us we weather the storms of life. I know I have relied intensely on habit these past few years and months as the perfect glass house that I lived in was shattered. Habit helped me to continue to live the principles of the gospel when all else was confused around me, and because I continued to live the true principles, I am finding my way back to strength and an even firmer testimony that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is TRUE! That Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. That He suffered so we don't have to. He died that we might live again with God. I know this with all of my heart. It gives my life purpose...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Amen! Beautiful! I often doubt how well I'm really doing as a mom, but, yeah, when you look at it from the perspective of the habits that I've taught, and the things I HAVE been consistent with, they really are the important things, and the things I most want my kids to have and know and do. Good perspective. Great post. :)