Saturday, July 19, 2008

4th of July

We always have such a great time on the 4th of July! We look forward to it almost as much as we do Christmas!

First thing in the morning, Curtis goes with the scouts to put up flags. I am so thankful to the scouting program that teaches our boys respect for this amazing country. Then we go to Denny's for a yummy breakfast! After a couple of really hot hours at the Vernon Worthen park, we just chill at home until it's time for the Colgate Country Showdown. This year Mekenze's friend Delaney Westfall won it! It was so fun!

Fireworks always follow--a great way to finish up the day!

God Bless America!

1 comment:

The Calder's said...

Looks like you guys had a ton of fun! We went camping so we didn't even get to see fireworks for the 4th :( Oh well, there's always next year right?